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本系與「元崇設計工程公司」產學合作辦理「自媒體辦公室」設計競圖,選拔優秀作品,嘉惠青年學子 元崇設計工程公司網址

葉家萓、周澆瑩同學榮獲第一名 / 指導老師:朱啓銘、蔡錦明、洪韡華

郁曼苓、江梓嘉同學榮獲第二名 / 指導老師:林錦宏

朱宸萱、黃婷瑋同學榮獲第三名 / 指導老師:朱啓銘、馮心蕾 感謝 鄧運鴻總監 熱情贊助

嘉惠青年學子 鼓勵傑出表現

Interior Design, Chung Yuan Christian University

TEL: 03-265-6201, 03-265-6202
Dept. of Interior Design
Chung Yuan Christian University
32023  No. 200, Zhongbei Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City

Our Philosophy

1. to respect the natural environment and seek harmony between people and themselves
2. To be truly successful as long as one can realize one's potential
3. pursuing mutual growth of teachers and students with an attitude of mutual love and respect
4. to test creativity with hands-on experience and to move out of the classroom to the real world

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